If you still think that women are the weaker sex, it’s time for you to wake up and smell the roses. With respect to the most essential quality of all, the ability to stay alive, women are tougher than men from the day they are born until extremely old age. Men may run faster, lift heavier weights, talk louder, and make things explode, but nowadays women outlive men by at least five to six years. That means by the age of 85, there are roughy six women to every four men. (Hint: If you weren’t popular as a boy in school, and if you haven’t found “the one,” statistically, your odds are getting better by the day!)
Aside from all of the scientific reasons why women live longer than men, there are fairly simple reasons which you can see in every day life. We’ve picked just some of them… to highlight how “special” some men can be
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Read more at http://blog.petflow.com/15-reasons-why-women-live-longer-than-men-12-had-me-in-stitches/?f=1&utm_source=Blog&utm_medium=Shared&utm_campaign=Facebook#mXsW2KUY38xuxktx.99