A kind couple living in Bali, Indonesia, came across something that’ll break your heart. The homeless dog population is a huge, persistent problem in Bali. There are sick dogsliterally everywhere. So when Shayna and her husband Brandon, volunteers for the local animal shelter (BARC) in Ubud, saw a lump lying in the middle of the street, they knew they should investigate.
What they discovered in that dirt road was so sad. That lump was a dog. And she needed help.

The homeless dog population in Bali is a very serious problem. Wonderful shelters like theBali Dog Refuge (BARC) work hard to rescue the countless sick animals. “At BARC we provide medical care, food, rehabilitation, bedding, sterilization, vaccinations and a whole lot of love to all dogs and puppies within the centre. We educate the local school children on how to care for and respect animals and hold fundraisers to raise awareness amongst the Balinese and worldwide community.”
Help more of these sick, homeless dogs find a happy ending by visiting BARC’s Facebook page or website. Any donation you would make could help the needy pups in Bali find good homes.
Watch Ruby’s complete transformation in the heartwarming video below. It’s so wonderful what this couple did for her.
Source: Shayna & Brandon Pitch / BARC
If Ruby’s story moved you, share it with others. Help dogs in need.