During a recent audition on the renowned French show, The Voice Kids 2023, 14-year-old Jade Mathieu mesmerized the judges and the audience with her incredible singing talents. Introducing herself with a popular Céline Dion hit, her performance left the entire hall in awe, leaving many speechless.
The video clip capturing Jade Mathieu’s audition performance on The Voice Kids France 2023 has become an instant sensation on YouTube. Within just a few days, it has garnered over 100,000 views, captivating audiences from around the world who are equally impressed by the young girl’s immense talent.
Jade Mathieu’s exceptional rendition of the world-famous hit “All By Myself,” originally introduced by Eric Carmen in 1975 and later popularized by Céline Dion in 1996, left the judges and viewers in awe. Her amazing singing performance can be heard in The Voice Kids 2023, and it’s truly a must-watch moment.