Donny Osmond catapulted to stardom upon joining his brothers’ musical ensemble, The Osmonds, comprised of Alan, Wayne, Merrill, Jay, and Donny. From 1971 to 1975, the quintet dominated the music charts, inciting fervent adoration from fans nationwide. The phenomenon known as “Osmond mania” reached its zenith, marked by throngs of emotional teenagers relentlessly pursuing them, drawn to the band’s clean-cut image rooted in their religious principles and virtuous lifestyle.
Originating from a large family, The Osmonds boasted eight brothers — Virl, Tom, Alan, Wayne, Merrill, Jay, Donny, and Jimmy Osmond — alongside one sister, Marie Osmond. Marie, born into an already renowned family, found herself in the limelight as her brothers had already achieved fame by the time of her birth.
Following The Osmonds’ musical hiatus, Donny and Marie transitioned into a pop duo, unleashing hit singles like “Morning Side of the Mountain” and “I’m Leaving It All Up to You.” Their unwavering popularity prompted the launch of their own show in 1976, titled “Donny & Marie.
Given his upbringing, it’s unsurprising to discover that Donny Osmond is a devoted family man. Not only does he hail from a sizable family, but his professional journey unfolded alongside his siblings. Tied in matrimony to his wife, Debbie Osmond, Donny has embraced fatherhood, raising a total of five boys.
Over the past quarter-century, Donny has maintained a regular commute to Los Angeles for his entertainment career. However, he deliberately chose to establish his family’s home in Provo, Utah. Having spent his formative years in the state and harboring a deep affection for it, Donny now imparts that love to his own family. Delve further to discover more about Donny’s family life and their residence in the charming midwestern town.
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Donny Osmond and his wife, Debbie Osmond, have celebrated more than four decades of togetherness. Their journey began in their teenage years, and after a few years of courtship, they exchanged vows in 1978. Over the years, the couple expanded their family, welcoming five children into the world: Donald in July 1979, Jeremy in June 1981, Brandon in 1985, Christopher in 1990, and Joshua in 1998.
In a Facebook post, recounted by Closer Weekly, Donny reflected on meeting Debbie when she was just 15, describing her as the “hot babe cheerleader in town.” After initially dating his brother Jay Osmond, Donny eventually won Debbie’s heart, a pursuit that took three years. Donny fondly shared:
“We’ve shared a wonderful life together. Debbie gave me five wonderful sons. We now have beautiful daughters-in-law.”
Recently, Donny took to his Instagram page to express his pride and love for his five grown sons, posting a picture of himself surrounded by the accomplished men they have become.