For the longest time, Carolynne St. Pierre was a normal mother. She was a loving, giving woman, dedicated to life with her family. She was known as a person with incredible wit and she worked as a maternity nurse, helping to bring lives into the world. When she was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer, she knew how she wanted to leave this world. She wanted to be surrounded by her loving family, the people she cared for so much.
Photographer Preston Gannaway began documenting Carolynne and her family’s life as they struggled with the terminal illness. The story, which was about balancing family and illness, ran in the Concord Monitor. Afterwards, they kept going. Soon, Gannaway took enough photos of this family to create the series Remember Me. The photo series showed just how torn apart by tragedy the family was, but how their loving bonds still kept them together.

It’s hard to understand the pain that this family experienced as Carolynne fought, and then lost her battle to, cancer. Remember Me shows the raw, emotional truth behind terminal illness. What people have to face in their last days (and what their families experience after) seem insurmountable.
To see more of Preston Gannaway’s work, please visit her Facebook page.
Source: Preston Gannaway
All of us will face different battles. Share Carolynne’s with others.