The rivers were swollen with flood water near Noakhali, Bangladesh due to torrential rain. A young boy named Belal was walking past one of these treacherous, flooded waterways when he noticed a tiny fawn swept up in the currents. Without hesitation, he jumped in after the innocent baby.
Belal quickly swam out to the little fawn in the river.

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He grabbed the baby deer and held him above his head.

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Onlookers weren’t sure if the boy would make it across.

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At one point, they even lost sight of him beneath the current.

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Thankfully, he was able to make his way to the other side of the river.

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Bambi could have met a terrible fate that day…

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But a young hero was there to save his life.

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Once he was on the other side of the river, he sought to reunite the fawn with his family.

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The little guy was wet through and completely dazed.

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Soon, he was up on his feet.

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And his parents were just a few yards away, waiting for their baby.

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More people need to be like the teenage hero, Belal. Would you have leapt into a flooded river to save a tiny fawn?
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