Now that summer has begun, it’s a good time to talk about pool safety. Though backyard pools can provide a needed break from the summer heat, they can also be a hazard. While we all know that we need to look after children and small dogs, we often forget that our bigger furry friends need to be closely watched just the same!
According to the American Red Cross, pools should be surrounded by a four-foot tall fence, children should stay under parental supervision at all times, and every member of the household should take swimming lessons to make sure they know how to swim well.
These rules are important for children, but pools also present a risk to animals on the property as well. In Arizona, one animal owner learned this the hard way when his horse fell in the backyard swimming pool. Thanks to the efforts of rescuers, however, the horse came out unscathed.
After Stormy the stallion fell into his owner’s swimming pool, it took a team to free the horse from where he was trapped. The team included paramedics, a veterinarian, and other rescuers. First, the vet tranquilized Stormy, and then the team lifted him with straps, which got him out of the pool with no injuries! Seeing his legs begin to move really made this moment worthwhile, thank goodness he’s ok!
This horse (and his owner) were very lucky. Thank goodness this beautiful horse got his second chance and hopefully, his owner will make sure to put a fence up to make sure nothing like this will ever happen again!
Please SHARE this amazing animal rescue if you’re serious about safety!