Back in May, Henry, a golden retriever, was dumped by his heartless owner. Because the careless human didn’t want to deal with the dog’s problem, she claimed to find an abandoned adorable animal on a beach. Then she took him to a hospital and left him to die. But fate worked in the dog’s favor.
Before the dog was taken to the AAA Animal Hospital, he was abandoned on the sandy beach. Now his heartless owner Sherri Haughton has been charged with life-endangering animal neglect, failure to care for an animal, animal abandonment, and interfering with the duty of an animal control officer. These charges are all misdemeanors.
But now Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Malone has been able to charge the cruel Haughton with animal cruelty. Karma has caught up with the heartless owner and she faces two years in jail.
Learn more about this crime and the punishment Sherri Haughton will receive…
Haughton did bring the dog to a rescue facility claiming he was a stray. He had a huge growth on his side which weighed 42 pounds. It prevented him from moving because it blocked his leg from walking normally. Not only that, the dog could not lift his leg to relieve himself.
Henri was taken to the Newport Beach animal hospital and underwent surgery to remove the enormous tumor. Community donations paid for the surgery.
“He’s a happy dog now that he’s received the treatment that he needs,” said Nick Ott, an animal control officer with the Newport Beach Police Department.
While he recovers, Henry was placed with a foster family.
Now the 7-year-old appeared at a news conference this week when police announced charges against Haughton.
The criminal animal abuser has not been arrested but is scheduled to appear before the court in January.
Haughton pretended to find the “stray” dog on the beach before bringing him to the shelter.
Valerie Schomburg, a Newport Beach animal-control supervisor, told KTLA at the time: “Most vets that we’ve asked and have been involved in his story have never seen (a tumor) that big.”
Removing the tumor was difficult. But he was determined strong enough to endure the surgery and went under the knife on June 1.
“You can’t keep him down,” Schomburg said. “It’s very shocking that (the tumor) got that big and that someone wouldn’t do the right thing. Whoever did this to Henry might have to answer to it,” she said at the time.
In the video below, you’ll see Henry after the successful surgery. The authorities said there are resources available for people who are struggling to pay for their pets. People can get assistance and do not have to neglect their pet’s health.
Check out the video to see how Henry looks now and hear the charges being placed against his former owner.
Here are some thoughts about the incident from MailOnline readers:
“She lives in NEWPORT BEACH. She could have afforded to pay for the surgery…… she preferred to buy more pointless shoes and purses.”
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