One reddit user recently shared these magical photos of his autistic son and the amazing bond he has with his service dog, Tucker.
As a companion dog Tucker’s job is to provide a bridge for a child with autism to connect with the world. Autism service dogs provide a sense of security and they help keep kids calm in new or fearful situations. They can be an ice breaker in social or school settings – you’re the kid with the dog, not the kid with autism. Each companion dog is trained to meet the unique needs of the child they are paired with. Be it autism like in this case or to help a child with poor motor skills, to help steady and brace them or even be there to give them something soft to land on should they stumble and fall.
Dogs really are man’s best friend!

For this young boy with autism, Tucker serves as a loyal and constant friend who doesn’t judge and provides unconditional companionship. All he asks for in return is love…and the occasional treat.
Source: reddit
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