Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a Cuban-American contemporary artist. When you see his works, I guarantee you that you won’t know what to think, no matter what type of art you typically connect wth. You’ll be so confused… that is, until you zoom out. Then, it just gets crazy.
Jorge specializes in making large-scale works out of art.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
And they only begin to take shape…
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
When you’re REALLY zoomed out.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Time and again, Jorge has spent hours creating masterpieces.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Even though, if you’re just standing next to them, you’ll won’t know what you’re seeing.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
It takes a unique perspective (literally) to understand his art.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
His large-scale, anonymous portrait art changed the street art scene.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
And he is constantly innovating.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
It’s incredible he can make art on such a large scale, using such natural items.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
To see more of his work, visit Jorge’s online portfolio or Facebook page. His works are absolutely unreal.
Source: Reddit
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