Dogs are amazing creatures.
If you’ve ever been the lucky owner of a dog, you already know how incredibly loyal they are. They’re sad when you leave and ecstatic when you return home. If something seems to threaten your family or your home, your dog will be the first one to sound the alarm — even if it turns out to be just the mailman!
And though they don’t have opposable thumbs and can’t speak English, dogs are capable of amazing feats that would terrify and baffle most humans — like saving their best friend from being hit by a speeding truck.
Thanks to their highly developed sense of smell and hearing, dogs do a lot of saving in fact, as with this beautiful dog named Kenai, who recently saved a bald eagle from freezing to death in the snow.
Scroll through below to see Kenai’s impressive and inspiring story!
[H/T: DailyMail]This is Kenai. Kenai lives in Duluth, MN, with his owner Kerrie.
Recently, Kenai, Kerrie, and her friend Pam were on a walk in the woods when he suddenly began barking.
Kerrie and Pam stopped and looked ahead of them on the path to see what was bothering Kenai.
Thanks entirely to his barking, they spotted an injured bald eagle huddled among the snow and branches.
When Kenai barked again, the eagle got a little scared and hopped down near the edge of a lake. Because the sun was already setting, the trio decided to come back the next day to see if they could help.
At first light on Friday, Pam and Kerrie returned to the lake to see if the eagle was still there.
He wasn’t where he had been, but they were able to track his movement by following his footprints in the snow.
The women contacted the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for help in rescuing the bird.
Two workers from the DNR came out, and the four worked together to catch the injured eagle.
It took a little doing, but they were finally able to get ahold of the frightened bird.
The poor little eagle was chilled to the bone and his feathers were frozen.
Kerrie and Pam took the bird to Wildwoods, a wildlife rehabilitation organization in Duluth, where he was given pain medication and fluids, and his feathers were thawed and nursed back to health.
The eagle was in rough shape, but thanks to Kenai and the quick action of his human friends, it looks like their avian friend will likely pull through.
“Our exam showed a shoulder injury, which we thought was likely fixable,” Wildwoods said on its Facebook page. “And of course, like most eagles, we get this time of year (during and after deer hunting season), we strongly suspected lead poisoning.”
Pam and Kerrie then took the eagle to the Raptor Center in St. Paul so he could be more closely examined.
“Their exam showed lead poisoning (yes, again!), as well as a soft tissue injury of the left shoulder. The Raptor Center thinks his chances are fair, and we hope for his eventual recovery,” Wildwoods said in the Facebook post.
“Kerrie and Pam especially credit Kenai and her sharp eyes for spotting this bird so that he could be rescued! Good dog, Kenai!” the center said.
What do you think of the actions of Kenai and his owners? Let us know in the comments.
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