A few weeks back, an intriguing video surfaced on the YouTube platform, depicting a genuine life-or-death situation faced by a paraglider.
While in mid-flight, his parachute became entangled, leading to a heart-stopping moment where the paraglider managed to rescue himself in the nick of time.
The video, uploaded to YouTube a few weeks ago, has swiftly gained immense popularity, amassing over 1.6 million views so far.
Luiz Otavio Mesquita shared a gripping clip from his onboard camera, unveiling the genuine intensity of the situation. As his primary parachute became ensnared during the flight, he skillfully deployed the reserve parachute within seconds, ultimately securing his survival.
Witness the harrowing sequence capturing the paraglider’s high-stakes ordeal in the skies above. Can you imagine the sheer intensity of such a moment?