Nowadays it seems like you can’t take a step forward without stepping on someone’s toes. And no matter what the issue is, it offends somebody. Now, in a long line of “offensive” ideas and products, the iconic brand, Cracker Barrel, has come under fire.
Since groups all over the country have started voicing their discontent over images and things like the Confederate Flag, one man, Ryan Koch, decided to log onto and voice his own concern regarding the Cracker Barrel name and logo.
And now Koch’s sarcastic petition is taking off…
As a joke, Ryan Koch started a petition to change the name Cracker Barrel because it is offensive to white people. He proposed that the name should be changed to “Caucasian Barrel” in order to be more politically correct.
Although Koch’s petition was meant to be a joke, a satire, thousands have jumped on the bandwagon to make the popular eatery’s name more politically correct. It seems like Koch’s joke has blown up in his face and now Cracker Barrel as you know it might face real consequences…
So far more than 16,000 people have the Kansas City, Missouri native’s campaign against the offensive name. While some realize it is a joke, the majority of people agree that Cracker Barrel is offensive and should be shut down until a better name, like Caucasian Barrel, is implemented.
The petition reads: “I say all of us European Americans start protesting C****er Barrel. It uses an offensive slur and it is deeply offensive and mocks our long and proud heritage.
“The name is offensive, their logo stereotypes European Americans as people who sit on chairs and lean against what appears to be a bourbon barrel, claiming we are all a bunch of alcoholics. Sure, they’ll SAY it’s a “cracker” barrel but everyone knows crackers don’t come in barrels, they come in bags and boxes!
“Change the name C****er Barrel to Caucasian Barrel. After all, white people should have something to be offended by, too!”
Most people did not get the joke. So Ryan Koch was forced to explain his intention in starting the satirical campaign poking fun at America’s obsession with political correctness…
“I started this satirical petition in lieu of constant media reports of various groups and organizations constantly wanting to change things throughout the country because they claim they are offended.
“The petition was meant to shed light on how ridiculous all of the political correctness currently going on in the country is, and how we should focus on real issues. [I made this] for satirical and comedic purposes to show how ridiculous political correctness is getting in America.”
Although it was meant to be a joke, many people signed it because they really were offended. And some even wrote things in the comments like “White Castle is next…”
“This eating establishment has a name that is racist against my skin color and ancestry. This injustice shall NOT stand,” Austin Howe of Dublin, Michigan wrote.
Do you agree? Does Cracker Barrel offend YOU?
Please JOIN THE DEBATE in the comments below!