When he was first born, Benjamin needed constant attention and care in the neonatal intensive care unit. Under the careful eye of the NICU nurses, Benjamin was beginning to gain strength and Campbell and Korres were starting to feel the excitement of taking their new baby home.
One day Campbell and Korres were going to visit Benjamin in the NICU. As they approached the incubator, Michelle spotted something blue hanging on an IV pole.
A little felt cape with a Superman crest and a large letter “B” was hanging near Benjamin. On the cape were just a few words, “To our little superhero, love Stephanie T.”
Touched by the gesture from a stranger and admittedly a little hormonal, Campbell immediately burst into tears. Campbell and Korres had never met anyone named Stephanie at the hospital and were curious why she would go out of her way to make something so sweet for their little boy.
Asking around the hospital, Campbell and Korres found out that Stephanie Treherne was a NICU nurse. Treherne did this for many of the babies in the NICU as her way of giving them a little extra love.
Treherne had been working at the hospital for about a year. She was inspired by a conference that showed a picture of a baby in a superhero cape.
Treherne thought this was a perfect representation of premature babies. For being so small and helpless, they possessed a lot of strength and put up great fights every day. They reminded her of tiny superheroes.
In October, Treherne started making the felt capes for as many babies as she could. Though it is difficult to make capes for the babies who do not stay at the hospital long, Treherne has made about 100 capes so far.
“It brings a smile to the parents’ face in a time that’s not so good, so it was really special for us to have gotten that,” said Campbell of the darling cape from Treherne. Other families who have received capes for their babies would certainly have the same sentiment.
Benjamin’s time in the NICU is now over, and he is growing strong every day in the comfort of his home. His parents are thrilled that he is doing so well.
Campbell scheduled a newborn photo shoot for Benjamin not long after they brought him home, which of course featured Treherne’s cape. To Treherne and to his parents, Benjamin is definitely a strong, little superhero for making the most of coming into the world too early. As evidenced by the photos, he is not only strong but also cute as ever.