Niki Boon began taking photos as a hobby while she was working as a physiotherapist in Scotland. However, the New Zealand native found her interest in the art waning while she travelled, and it wasn’t until she had returned home and started raising a family that her passion was rekindled. “Childhood in the Raw,” an ongoing photo series of her four children’s technology-free life on her 10-acre property in New Zealand, is the perennial fruit of this passion. Boon makes a gift of the photos to each child on his or her birthday.
“There is a bit of work involved when living on land for sure,” Boon told us when we asked her if she experienced any hardships living in the countryside. “..and we have animals to tend to. But the work is, mostly, what we enjoy…and it is great for the kids to gain the sense of what it is to have to work to enjoy what we have, to learn where our food comes from first hand, about new life and death, both very interesting and not always easy life lessons to learn.”
If you like Boon’s work, you might also enjoy this similar series by Izabela Urbaniak.
More info: | Facebook | Instagram | 500px (h/t: mymodernmet, NatGeo)