
At the last audition in the American Idol 2023 show, 21-year-old Trey Louis, who has a difficult past, also showed his singing talents.

Years ago, there was a shooting at his school, in which he lost eight friends and two teachers.

The video clip of the audition performance, which was published on the YouTube network, is already a real hit – on the aforementioned network alone, it reached almost 2 million views in just a few days, and many listeners are impressed by the young man’s performance.

Trey Louis, who is a mattress salesman, comes from the city of Santa Fe in the US state of Texas. In the month of May 2018, there was a shooting at his school, because of which Trey lost many friends.

This time, at the audition of the show American Idol 2023, he introduced himself by singing the hit song “Stone”, originally performed by the American music group Whiskey Myers. Listen to the young man’s wonderful performance at a recent audition for a popular singing show.

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