Now and then a little fawn is orphaned and must rely on human kindness to be nursed until they are big and strong enough to return to the wild.
Sometimes the home they find themselves in contains other furry friends, and in turn, they may end up believing that they themselves are puppy dogs!
However, keep in mind that some people assume baby fawns have been abandoned because they are often left alone for long periods of time by their mothers as to avoid being spotted by predators. It is normal for the mother doe to be gone a while, as long as she visits her baby several times a day to nurse them.
Fawns that need human assistance are typically wandering around confused, crying incessantly, or found lying on their sides. In that case a licensed wildlife rehabilitator should be contacted immediately.
Please SHARE these adorable rescue fawns who act like puppies with someone who could use a smile today!
1. “I am indifferent to your dog-like affection, fawn.”
2. “No, trust me, we’re from the same litter.”
3. “Do you need me to wash your back?”
5. “But first let’s take a selfie. A dog and cat selfie. Yes, I am a dog.”
6. “We’re just brothers from another mother.”
7. “Are you my mother?”
8. “I’ll be your mommy, little one!”
9. “Come on, you lazy pup, get up and PLAY!”
10. “Good game, bro, good game.”
11. “Thanks for the kiss. Now let’s go get some kibble.”
12. “I’ll always be there to protect you.”
13. “Surprise! No one ever expects a fawn to come through the doggie door…”
Please SHARE these beautiful fawns who act like puppies with all of your friends!