
Bonsai trees are awesome. Just ask Mr Miyagi. They look beautiful, they fit in your house, they encourage patience and dedication, they relieve stress, and they help to purify the air. What’s not to like?

People have been caring for Bonsai trees for over a thousand years. The ancient horticultural practice originated in China, where it was known as “penzai”, and was later redeveloped under the influence of Japanese Zen Buddhism. The plants are kept small due to growth-restricting techniques such as pinching buds, pruning and wiring branches and restricting the use of fertilizer. It’s a delicate and time-consuming process, but as you can from this list compiled by Bored Panda, those who persevere are rewarded with something amazing.

Do you have a Bonsai tree? Then add your pictures to the list below and don’t forget to vote for your favorite! It’s what Mr. Miyagi would have wanted.


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