
One morning, a woman named Jacinta Masters walked into to Best and Less clothing store in Australia. She needed to return some special suits she bought for her baby baby she was carrying.

But at the register, Jacinta was told she couldn’t return the items because she didn’t have the bank card with her that she originally used to purchase. That’s when Jacinta broke down crying, right there in front of the cashier.

Jacinta explained she didn’t have the card, and that she was on her way to the hospital for a heart-wrenching reason. She was being induced because her and Shayne’s baby boy, Sammy, passed away in the womb.

The second Jacinta explained her devastating situation, the cashier hurried away to grab her manager, who overrode the store policy. Jacinta received a full refund.

The incredible and kindhearted cashier, Jo, then asked if Jacinta had a blanket to wrap Sammy in at the hospital — and that’s where this story takes a truly incredible turn.

Jo became Jacinta’s “angel” before heading to the hospital, going above and beyond to make sure Jacinta felt comforted and nurtured during her time at Best and Less, and beyond.

Scroll down to read Jacinta’s story.

Note: The following content may be distressing for some viewers.


Jacinta, a mother from Australia, recently posted the following story on Facebook. Her account was reported by Katherine Davison for DailyMail Australia:

“This is an open letter to Jo, the beautiful lady who served me at Best and Less this morning.

You didn’t know me. But I came in to best and less this morning, to return some special suits I brought for my baby I was carrying.”


“I was told I couldn’t return them because I didn’t have the bank card with me that I used to purchase. And I broke down and explained I didn’t have it, and I was on my way to hospital to be induced to have my baby who had passed away, and I wanted them returned now because I don’t want to see them or deal with them when I get home.

And in the split second that I said that, I seen the sincerity in your face. You got your manager to over ride that policy to give me my refund.”


“You then asked me if I had a blanket to wrap him in. I didn’t. It was one of the things I had to buy that morning.

You came and gave me a big hug and let me cry on your shoulder. You then took me to the blanket section and helped me pick out a blanket. Blue mink with white clouds on it.

It was perfect.”


“And I’ll never EVER forget what you did for me and my baby.

You truly are an angel and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!”

Jo, we applaud you for so selflessly helping Jacinta when she needed it most. Please SHARE this unbelievable story with your friends on Facebook.


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