Window tracks are a pain to clean. But. she found the easiest way to make it happen, and they look amazing!
Window tracks by far take the cake for the dirtiest part of a house! There’s no way to get around all the dirt and grime that comes in from the outside and gets stuck in all those little cracks.
More often than not you’ll find dead insects and other unwanted guests in the little crevices.
Christine from the blog, First Home Love Life, was not excited to clean the tracks that she had admittedly let go untouched much longer than they should have been.
To resolve the situation in the least painful way, Christine came up with the easiest cleaning solution that requires little to no elbow grease!
AND, she was kind enough to share it with everyone else!
For this cleaning hack, she gathered white vinegar, baking soda, q-tips, and a toothbrush.
The first step is going to sound a little like your third grade science project. Christine started by sprinkling baking soda all along the track, especially in the corners, and then covered it all with a thin layer of vinegar.
Yup, this is the combination that made your paper mache volcano “erupt,” so make sure to not go overboard.
After the mixture had a couple of minutes to settle in and start to loosen up all the gunk, Christine started to rub along the track with a q-tip.
“Take your q-tips and begin to make circle motions all along the track,” Christine wrote on her blog post about the project.
You don’t necessarily have to wipe it clean with the q-tips at this point (that would take way too long), but the motion does help to release all the dirt.
After that, she poured warm water in the track to give it another good rinse.
Then Christine cleaned it all up with paper towels and repeated the process for any leftover dirt.
The difference between the wiped clean side and the dirty side is pretty remarkable!
She also suggested going back over the hard-to-clean areas with a toothbrush.
Find more details about the project here.