Every once in a while I see a DIY project that makes me say, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Whether it’s adorablecandles, clever soap dispensers, or homemade cleaningwipes, I’m always stunned by the incredibly creative and resourceful minds I find on the internet.
But this project might just take the cake!
This couple wanted to update their barren floors — but they were tired of regular ole floor tile. So they decided to use something a little non-traditional: pennies!20,000 pennies, to be exact!
After many trips to the bank, the couple spread out their copper coins, grabbed some adhesive, and got to gluing! The result is something truly creative. It will definitely be a conversation piece for their houseguests!
If you could totally transform a floor this way, imagine all the other possibilities! Kitchen counters, backsplashes, tabletops… I better start collecting my pennies!
Please SHARE if you think this project is something you’d like to take on!
His wife worked at a tile store, so she was a little sick of traditional flooring. Thus, the penny project began!
Each row was about 100 pennies.
They used the shiniest pennies to make the border.
Their daughter chipped in when her mom needed a break.
Each penny was glued with a construction adhesive. After, a self-leveling epoxy was used to protect the floor.
The bank was reluctant to give out all their pennies, so the couple only took two boxes per week.
The finished product! Stunning!
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