
Having a child is a blessing. It’s unlike any other experience in life and most parents will tell you that. However, even though a family is an incredible thing, there may be times when parents just can’t take it anymore. In fact, the majority of working parents suffer from stress-related health problems.

Parents, both new and old, reach a breaking point. There’s a time when temper tantrums, messy diapers and constant play time is just too much. So instead of keeping those frustrations in, they let the secrets fly on the Parenting Confessional Tumblr.

At first, it was just funny. But now? These mommy secrets are intense!

(H/T Parenting Confessional / ViralNova)

The creator of Parenting Confessional, Julia Fierro, also wrote a parenting novel called Cutting Teeth (available on Amazon). If you need help de-stressing from your own parenting woes, check out the Tumblr or the book. Or… you can just share these awesome (and terrible) secrets with others.

Hey, we’re all in this together, except for those people without kids. Damn those flexible, de-stressed people.

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