Over the past year, our country has experienced a controversy around honoring the national anthem at sporting events. People ranging from professional and collegiate athletes to high school marching bands and activist cheerleaders have taken action to protest the national anthem at sporting events. Many schools, colleges, and professional organizations have taken their own action in response.
One school district in Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, has instituted a new code of conduct to be announced at all sporting events that demands attendees salute the flag or be ejected from the premises. This new mandate has people up in arms. Read on for the whole story.
School officials in Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, have rewritten the announcement preceding its district’s sporting events to instruct attendees on how to act during the singing of the national anthem.
Parents were shocked when the following announcement was read at a girls soccer game last week.
“Code of Conduct
Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Manheim Township’s Kruis Field at Memorial Stadium. In tonight’s Girls soccer game, the Blue Streaks host the Comets of Penn Manor. The Lancaster-Lebanon League and Manheim Township School District are emphasizing good sportsmanship from all coaches, athletes, and fans. This contest is being played for the benefit of the students and student-athletes of these schools. No body paint, noisemakers, rally towels, signs, or banners are permitted. No fans are permitted on the track at any time. Now let’s meet the starting lineup, first from our visiting Comets (you will need starters from PM and Terry)……Now the Lady Blue Streaks
Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and face the flag, gentlemen please remove your headgear. During our National Anthem, we ask that everyone display dignity and respect for our flag, the symbol of the freedom that was won by the millions of men and women who have defended and continue to defend our great nation. Anyone not honoring this request to be respectful will be removed from the gymnasium/stadium.
At this time let’s honor America as (GR) sings/plays the National Anthem.”
“This guy comes on the PA, the announcer, and he gives a dissertation to everybody, kind of angrily,” Manheim Township parent Marcus Blomeier, who stopped by the girls’ soccer game while waiting for his daughter to finish cheerleading practice, said Wednesday.
“He says, ‘When we do the national anthem if you do not stand, you will be removed from the game.’ I’m like, did I really just hear that?” Blomeier said. “I was floored. Where do you draw the line?”
District spokeswoman Marcie Brody defended the announcement, stating that the national anthem “is performed by students, and announcers at all school sporting events ask audiences to be respectful of the performers.”
“This isn’t anything new,” Brody continued, noting the script for the announcement has been unchanged for at least a year.
But after receiving numerous complaints, Brody backed down and reconsidered her stance. “After we reread it, we thought maybe there was a little miscommunication,” she said. “That’s not the intent. … We will look at the wording.”
What do you think about this announcement script? Share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions with us in the comments section below.