When Laura was 44 years old, her stomach began to swell, but she wasn’t pregnant. The mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer — also known as the silent killer — and three years later, she died. Her husband, John, was left distraught, and his only saving grace was an organization called MOCA, or the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance. When Laura was first diagnosed, it was there that he found hope, little did he know that loss would lead him to a new love.
John met Kitty, a woman who understand what it was like to lose someone. Her father had passed away when she was young, and her sister-in-law had just died of cancer. The two began to volunteer at MOCA to help other families dealing with ovarian cancer, and from there they fell in love. For John, it was rare to find a woman who wasn’t interested in dismissing his first love or trying to replace her. Kitty understood that Laura could not be replaced, but she could be remembered.
“The best way to honor her [Laura] is to remember her, and that’s been really important to me,” Kitty says. The pair united by grief and bonded by love are planning on getting married. Instead of gifts, they ask that guests donate to MOCA.
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