I can’t imagine the sorrow Barry Gearhart must have felt after Titan, his beloved pit bull, was stolen from him a year ago. While he and Titan have been miraculously reunited, Barry remembers the ordeal, saying that he cried every night after what he calls “the worst day” of his life.
Like any pet owner would, Barry never lost hope that one day the pit bull he raised since puppyhood would somehow be returned to him. A year after Titan was stolen from the backseat of his truck, there was still no sign of him. Barry, refusing to give up, posted a picture of the adorable pooch on Facebook, asking once again for help in finding him.
This time, he received a response.
It was from a volunteer at an animal shelter, who thought Titan looked just like a pit bull in the shelter, named Hank. The dog the volunteer was referring to was an elderly pit bull, like Titan, but who was scheduled to be euthanized in just two days after spending weeks at the shelter without being adopted. This pup even attended socialization classes, but with no luck.
Barry rushed to the shelter, and sure enough, the pit bull called “Hank” was Titan! The emotional reunion was captured on camera, and both pup and owner instantly recognized one another.
Now Barry and Titan are miraculously together again, and Titan is back at home where he belongs!
If this tearful reunion made you breathe a sigh of relief, please SHARE!