
Cats are so lovable, but they’re also so strange! Let one into the room and within a minute, they’re meowing to get back out again. They’ll try to get you to rub their bellies then bite you for doing it too long! And that’s just the normal behavior!

One kitty owner recently discovered a weird cat quirk that’s quickly becoming an internet sensation, and when you see it you’ll have to try it, too!

It all started with a stray cord laying on the floor in a circle.


This owner noticed that his cat would go straight for it every time and sit in the middle of the circle. Odd!



So he tried an experiment and made a red circle in tape on the floor.


He was shocked when his cat came running over to examine the tape.


Again, the cat sat inside its center, as predicted.



Was it a fluke? There was only way to find out…



The cat loved the second circle just as much.


He shared the results of his adorable experiment on the web and soon cat owners everywhere were trying it and sharing their results.

Avax News


As you can see, a circle made from anything will do the trick!

Daily Mail

Cats aren’t big on sharing, I guess…

Animal Hearted

Raise your paws if you love circles!

Daily Mail


It’s hard to say why the cats feel compelled to position themselves in these spots.

Pet Meds

Scientists aren’t sure why the cats are drawn to the circles.

Martin A. Cross

The most popular theory is that the illusion of a closed space gives the cats a feeling of security in an otherwise exposed and open area.


It doesn’t have to be a circle either!



Of course, there are always going to be a few odd cats.


…and ferrets.



But for most, it’s like a magic spell!

Lift Bump

“Looking for your belt, owner?”


Bananas: Delicious AND useful! 

Daily Mail

We might never know for sure what it is about these circles that fascinate cats. That’s just fine as long as they keep us chuckling.


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