Bright, colorful hair is all the rage now, and for a long time, rainbow-colored hair was only seen on a select few avant-garde fashionistas.
But now, it’s blazed into the mainstream, and stylists, artists, and experimenters are all trying their hands at it. And we think that’s pretty cool. Life is too short not to express yourself!
One person experimenting with bold and bright hair is Ursula Goff, a hair stylist and colorist known for her stunning color experiments — as well as for not being afraid to show the all-natural beauty of her makeup-free face, and encouraging other women to embrace their natural selves.
For one of her many projects, she’s taking fine art favorites from artists like van Gogh and Vermeer and bringing them right into her world — as hairstyles!
Using the colors from the paintings, she creates a multicolored mane that reflects the overall color composition of the painting. And while obviously a specific image isn’t going to appear in hair, the vibrant colors may just remind you of some of your favorite paintings!
[H/T: My Modern Met]